Customizing Your Car Insurance Policy: 3 Types Of Coverage You Will Want To Add

All car insurance policies start out offering liability property damage and bodily injury coverage. This type of coverage is required by law and cannot be removed from your policy. However, all other types of coverage are typically considered optional. Consequently, you will need to take the time to customize your policy if you want to ensure that you have all of the coverage you need. While there are many different types of coverage that you can add to your policy, there are three main options that you will want to seriously consider adding. [Read More]

4 Important Tips When Shopping For Homeowner's Insurance

When you own a home, one of the things you are going to have to obtain is homeowner's insurance. Homeowner's insurance is one of the best ways to protect the investment you made by purchasing a home. You don't want to put that much money into something and not protect it.  Avoid Being Underinsured One of the first things you are going to want to do is ensure that you are not underinsured. [Read More]

4 Strategies To Keep Your Workers' Compensation Affordable

As an employer, it is essential to carry workers' compensation insurance. In most states, it is required to carry workers' compensation insurance. How can you keep your premium lower? Here are four strategies for keeping your worker's compensation premium affordable.  Strategy #1: Offer New Employees Incentives for Learning Safety Protocol When you hire new employees, don't just offer safety training. Offer incentives for new employees to learn all of your business's safety protocols and implement them. [Read More]

Avoiding Common Auto Insurance Mistakes

Auto insurance is one of the most important types of financial protection that you can have as it will help to shield you from the financial aftereffects of causing an auto accident. While auto insurance is something that many people will buy, they may not be aware of the types of mistakes that are often made with this important coverage. Not Maximizing the Potential Discounts Available Auto insurance can be extremely valuable when you are involved in an accident. [Read More]