Driving without car insurance is against the law in every state, which means you should always have insurance as a licensed driver. This includes during times when you are not even driving or own a car. This is because, once you have car insurance, once you do not hold a policy, your insurance rates are going to go up significantly once you do receive car insurance coverage again. This is because a lapse in coverage gives reason enough reason for the car insurance company to believe you are an at risk driver since you may have driven without insurance in the past. To avoid high insurance fees from a lapse in coverage, you will want to consider these three tips to prevent yourself from ever having a lapse of coverage:
- Confirm the Start Date and End Date: Whenever you switch insurance, you want to know when the cancellation date is for your old insurance to ensure that your new insurance is going to pick up the very next day. Be sure that you confirm both the start date of your new insurance policy and the end date of your new before you simply let it happen. You want to be sure that there will be absolutely no lapse.
- Print the Insurance Cards: As soon as you have your new insurance, you want to print your insurance cards. This way, if you are pulled over for whatever reason and the officer asks to see proof of insurance, you will be able to prove it. This is going to prevent it from looking like you have had a lapse based on your driving record.
- Get Additional Coverage When Needed: To ensure that you are always covered, you want to talk with your insurance company about special circumstances. For example, if you are moving or traveling within numerous states, you want to be sure that this type of driving is covered. If not, then you want to add additional coverage to make this happen. This way, it also avoids the possible situation of getting in an accident and you not having any of the damages covered because you were traveling with a policy that will not provide coverage in that state.
When you consider these three tips, you can avoid a lapse in coverage, as well as certain situations where it appears that you have had a lapse in coverage. This way, every time you get a new insurance policy, you are not susceptible to higher rates.