Every so often, your automobile insurance company will reevaluate your policy and based upon their findings decide to raise your rate. This could come as a surprise to you, especially if you haven't gotten any tickets and you really don't see a reason for the change. Each insurer has its own rating factors and these are often updated. The new categorizations could be the reason why you are now being charged a higher premium.
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What Does Uninsured And Underinsured Motorist Coverage Do?
If you're in a state where uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage is optional, it might sound like an expense you can skip since the other driver should have insurance. Before you make this decision, you should understand what uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage does and how it can help you after an accident.
What is an Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist?
Uninsured means someone doesn't have insurance. Underinsured means they don't have enough insurance.
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4 Questions To Ask Before Purchasing An Insurance Plan For Your Restaurant
Are you on the hunt for a restaurant insurance policy so you can open your doors to patrons? Here are a few questions to ask before choosing an insurance policy to invest in:
What Kind of Insurance Is Included?
As a restaurant business owner, you need more than one type of insurance. In addition to general liability and property insurance, you should have income coverage to rely on because the restaurant industry is so unpredictable.
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What to Consider When Choosing Home Insurance
If you are buying a home, you likely know that most mortgage lenders require that you have home insurance ready to go before the sale is even final. Even if you're paying cash and technically don't have to obtain home insurance, you'll still want to get a policy. Your home is likely your most valuable asset, and you need to protect it. Here are three things that you need to consider when searching for home insurance.
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